Believe it or not, your bike saddle can be CRITICAL TO YOUR CYCLING SUCCESS!
The saddle you choose is more than just a matter of comfort: with the majority of your weight on the saddle, it's also important to achieving balance and power. If you are off-balance or uncomfortable on the saddle, your legs will start to push your buttocks around... hunting for a "better" position; and if your legs (or arms) are involved in balancing you on the seat, they cannot properly pedal the bike -- leading to fatigue, foot problems, cramping, etc. And you've probably read about the health consequences of cutting off blood flow to your genitals, which can show up as numbness during cycling.
If you ride in aero (triathlon) position, the saddle is even MORE important. To properly achieve an aerodynamic position, you must be able to tilt your pelvis forward, so you can reach the aerobars without strain. In this position, your groin is pressed into the front (nose) of the saddle, making saddle fit critical -- especially in the front. Without the right saddle, you will lose comfort, circulation, aerodynamics, and power.
DON'T ASSUME THAT DISCOMFORT OR PAIN ARE NECESSARY, NOBLE, OR INEVITABLE IN CYCLING!! Although we all get a little saddle sore after 50-100 miles, you should not be fidgeting in your saddle every time you ride. If you are -- SEE US FOR A NEW SADDLE!
Saddle comfort is very personal -- no two riders have the same shape pelvis and buttocks. Saddle recommendations from friends (or the internet) may be well-intentioned, but are rarely helpful. And "sit-bone" width is only a very rough starting point. That's why we recommend riding any saddle for several rides before deciding. It takes time (and mileage) to REALLY test a seat. That's why we have so many test models, and give you a full two weeks to decide.
New to the Lab are Velo saddles. The Senso Tri saddle is a great triathlon design with slimmer nose, split-cutout for central relief and enough cushioning to make aerobars comfortable - and a bargain at $89. We also have women's Angel TT saddle, a firm road race saddle with a great shape for support/comfort.
Italian firm Fizik is renowned for their racing saddles used on the pro tours. In addition to their racing saddles (Arione - slim; Antares - medium; Aliante - wider), we now have the new ADAPTIVE saddles with a revolutionary 3D-printed shock absorption layer.
We've added the IDmatch system from Selle Italia, whose saddles are used by many pros. Try the SLR saddles for light weight, Flite saddles for a little more cushioning, and women's models. Flow and Superflow saddles have a cutout for great genital relief and prevention of numbness. Boost saddles are shorter and a little wider, mimicking Specialized Power saddles. Try the new Watt Gel triathlon saddle -- a slim, split-nose design with plenty of cushioning for Ironman distances!
Cobb Cycling has been one of our favorites for years. Now renamed "JCOB," they've added new road saddles (Type T and SR) that are a little slimmer in the nose, but retain both a cutout and enough width for stability. Also see the new Delta 38, with a narrower nose than most split-nose triathlon designs.
VO2 cycling is brand new with a revolutionary saddle shape. For a unique ride guaranteed to relieve perineal pressure, numbness, and pain, try their Evolve.
German firm SQ Lab tests saddles for pressure and comfort. SQ Ergowave Active saddles have a pressure-relief section; a deep center depression to prevent numbness; and a shock-absorber under the saddle, with three interchangeable (soft/ medium/firm) inserts. Multipe widths (130, 140, 150, 160). One of the most comfortable road/race saddles we have tested!
BiSADDLE - The geniuses at BiSaddle have come up with a solution for hard-to-fit butts: a FULLY ADJUSTABLE BIKE SADDLE!! The BiSaddle can be made wider or narrower, with separate front and rear adjustments; and inserts to change from flat to semi-round to rounded. This saddle is a marvel, especially for triathletes looking for just the right nose width. Now available in two lengths: SRT (very short) and EXT (long), as well as EXT-Sprint with slimmer mid-taper. To make BiSaddle demos available, rentals are $5 extra; to test it with the full insert kit, a $100 deposit is required, which is refunded after we receive the saddle (and all parts) back.
The new Selle Italia Watt Gel Superflow was specifically designed for long distance triathlon or time trials with a tapered midsection, narrow split nose, huge Superflow cutout, and generous gel padding for aggressive aerobar positioning. We think this saddle will become one of the most popular Tri saddles in our Lab.
The bike fit scientists at German company Gebiomized have created a new line of saddles based on their saddle pressure mapping system. Using thousands of maps as a guide, they now have the Stride TT/Triathlon saddle, as well as Sleak and Area road saddles. Stride has a split nose, but is narrower than ISM saddles: it allows complete freedom of motion and ideal aerobar posture. The Sleak is a V-shaped road saddle, more traditional design with a strategic cut-out. The Area is a T-shaped saddle: wider in the rear but still slim in front for leg clearance.
VO2 Evolve - Very few saddles relieve central pressure, numbness, or blood supply compromise better than the new Evolve 2.2 series from VO2. We are one of the first to offer VO2, which is a life-saver (or at least a genital-saver) for many triathletes and roadies. This saddle comes with either 1" thick foam or 0.6" foam padding, in firmer or softer versions. There is also a shorter/wider 2.1 model. See their research here:
The experts at Speed and Comfort, led by John Cobb, have solved many saddle problems for both genders. With their experience in road and triathlon racing and endurance, they have developed their latest masterpiece, the Delta 38. This saddle retains all the great features of the 55-series (Type 5) saddle, but in a narrower profile with a 38mm nose. Smooth sides and good padding make this a saddle for all types of riding!
Cobb/Jcob ("Speed and Comfort"):
ISM (Adamo):
SQ Lab:
Selle SMP:
Selle Italia (IDMatch):
Bi-Saddle (adjustable)
Terry women's:
Terry Men's:
Gebiomized (German):
Velo saddles:
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